Why Us?
Our Builds are Different
Durable aluminum structures for real world use
Flexible bed system to maximize space
No ‘cutouts’ anywhere and only 8 small holes in the roof
Aluminum Structures
Structurally 100% sound outside of the van
Bolted to van walls - NOT SCREWED
TIG welded aluminum
Powder coated to customer selected color
Bed Systems
Murphy beds and open walk through design. Flexible for storage and also easy access to upper cabinets. Removable canvas closure available for front of the garage area
Vertically adjustable and fold away for maximum under bed space and still full use of the beds. Each bed can be at different levels if desired.
Fold up back 1/3 of bed platform for adjustable sitting/sleeping position and maximum dedicated garage storage space
No Cutouts and Only 8 Holes
(6) 1/2” and (2) 3/4” diameter holes in the roof
Almost all other vans have cutouts in roof and sides
No cutouts in the sides, rear, or front
Cutouts, side flares and non-factory installed windows are all areas that will be a maintenance issue in the future
Built to Last
Live Life
No Compromises
Built to Last • Live Life • No Compromises •
What Makes Our Conversions Distinctive
Built to Last
Only 6 holes 1/2” and 2 3/4” in the roof . No holes in the walls.
Why is this important? Maintains the long term integrity of the van and minimizes potential leaks in the future.
In-House Capabilities
Fully equipped metal fabrication, welders, and assembly area.
Why is this important? Extensive in-house capability and control over entire build ensures our high standards are met.
Diagrammed Schematics
Detailed schematics on the electrical wiring and plumbing diagrams.
Why is this important? Easy to understand diagnostic diagrams on what, where, and how for anyone to follow.
Team of Expert Builders
128 years of combined experience with electronics, engineering, aluminum fabrication, and manufacturing.
Why is this important? Our team of dedicated specialists have a passion for quality, workmanship, and getting it right.
Complete Manuals
Maintenance, user manuals, & spare parts list provided on an Apple iPad.
Why is this important? Information is king. Complete guides for anyone who will service your van in the future.
For the Love of Adventure
Designed for simplicity and functionality on the road and off the grid.
Why is this important? Life is short. Live it to the full extent of your adventurous self. Enough said.
No Blackwater Tank to Dump or Clean
No Need to Use Public Porta-Potty
No Electrical Hook-Up Required
No RV Campgrounds Required